I was trying to think about what I wanted to write this week in my blog. My creative juices just aren't as exciting as they were in the beginning of the semester. I was thinking about my life and what I hope to accomplish as I age. I am reaching my final few years of young adulthood, so what do I want now? I started thinking about this question, first of all I would like to get married and start a family. I have a career and am satisfied with my education(there is always an opportunity to learn more). As I was thinking of this my blog topic came to me, What do gays and lesbians my age want? I assume they want the same as I do. I know that everybody matures at different times and their wants are different, but most people want a companion to grow old with and children to watch grow and prosper. This is what Harry seemed to want in The Sum of Us. But do gay and lesbians want this? I would have to say sure, it might not come during their early adulthood years, but later considering the struggles they might to have had to overcome. Once they become accepted in society and by their families, then maybe they can settle down and think about their futures. This might happen in their middle adulthood years, but they should not be denied a companion or children based on a homosexual lifestyle. They are still human and want the same things as heterosexuals. How can our society tell another human they aren't good enough to have a child or companion, and make laws against this. Hopefully we are changing to accept all people. WE should not discriminate against gays or lesbians. Every person I have come into contact with that is gay has been awesome, I would love for anyone of them to become a foster parent or adoptive parent(it would sure be better than the ones we have now in our system). I have never witnessed any type of behavior that I would question, I have not been behind closed doors with them, but if you are like me what you see is what you get. I just hope that one day soon gays and lesbian starting advocating and trying to adopt more children. I know there are plenty of them out there, I just have not met any of them yet, down here in the south. I think this would be so cool, I know when I have children they will think gay, lesbians, purple, red, yellow, green, blue, black, and white people are all cool! We should all coexist and be one big happy family, HA HA!!
I think that a big problem is the fact that we live in the south. Aside from homosexuals not being accepted, people with disabilities and minorities are totally not accepted as parents either(or as competent humans). For instance, I read an article in the newspaper a few weeks ago where a new york times reporter interviewed people in Alabama (at walmarts no less) about how they feel about Obama and almost every single one of them brought up the issue of him being biracial as a negative aspect of his decision making power as a president. The article made me cringe when I read it. But, its these kinds of attitudes that keep homosexuals and other vulnerable populations from adopting children, running for office, or seeking a promotion in the south.
I think that we all 'sort of' want the same thing but really there are straight people that do not desire to have children. I do not at this point want a family but if that were to change I would hope to have a social worker just like you on my side.
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