I did not think one of the movies we watched in class was going to pertain to my topic, but I was wrong. The Sum of Us actually had a gay character, there are very few movies that portray the real lives of gay men. Jeff was a gay male trying to find love. He had low self esteem because of his past relationships, but ultimately wanted a companion to love and live with. Harry his father accepted Jeff's lifestyle and wanted him to have love and maybe even have a family. Although, they did not address family in the movie, I wonder if Jeff and Greg got together. If they did would they consider trying to have a family? Greg seemed to embrace his lifestyle but was holding back because of what his parents reaction might be, but now that they know, will he be more open? I guess we won't know, but Harry would be excited about having grandchildren running around he continue to happy buzz(push his buzzer over and over when he was happy).
I went to an adoption training today, that was presented by an adoption agency. I am a wimp but I really wanted to ask the presenter if she had ever had any dealings with gay couples. I think she worked with Catholic Social Services in Nashville, so maybe not. I did google adoption agencies for gay and lesbian couples, many agencies work with heterosexual as well as gay and lesbian couples. I did not know that, I guess down in the south we are far behind the real times. I am sure there are plenty of couples out west and up north that are foster parents or who have adopted. Here are some links to help with the process of adoption......
Families Like Ours - a non-profit organization.
Adoption Resources for Gays and Lesbians - The International Commitment Ceremonies Registry provides this resource information including agencies, publications, and support groups.
Alternative Family Matters - Resources, information, and community for families seeking to grow by adoption, surrogacy, and assisted reproduction.
Family Builders - Working in 9 CA counties; no-cost special needs adoptions.
Growing Generations, LLC - Surrogacy options for the gay community. Located in California.
Lambda Legal Defense and Education - Legal information and representation for the gay and lesbian community, for adoption and other parenting issues.
Murdoch & Hughes - This Vermont-based firm provides legal services for interstate and Vermont adoptions.
Gay Adoption Debate and Poll - From YouDebate.com, read the arguments pro and con, add your own, and vote in the poll.
Legal Comparison of Dutch-American Adoption by Gays and Lesbians - An examination of case law, proposed legislation, comparisons, and analyses, from the Electronic Journal of Comparative Law.
Murdoch & Hughes - This Vermont-based firm provides legal services for interstate and Vermont adoptions.
Gay Adoption and Foster Parenting
Legal Directory - Adoption
Two Women and a Baby - Adoption by gays and lesbians is a controversial issue, but while the debate rages, happy families are being formed and thriving.
Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents - The American Academy of Pediatrics supports efforts to legislate adoption reform for gay/lesbian parents.
Child Welfare League of America Adoption Policy - In this 2002 article from the CWLA's Children's Voice, the policy is quoted as not based "on their race, ethnicity or culture, income, age, marital status, religion, appearance, differing lifestyles, or sexual orientation."
Family Equality Council - Supporting and protecting the families of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered parents.
Gay and Lesbian Family Values - Support for gay and lesbian couples or singles with children.
GLBTAdoptee Mail List - A forum for GLBT/queer adoptees to talk , share, and connect about issues such as identity and coming out.
PrideParenting.com - Adoption/Fostering
Adoption.com - The Internet's most popular adoption website for anyone touched by adoption.
Adoption.org – Whether you're looking to adopt, looking for birthparents, or are in a crisis pregnancy situation, the new Adoption.org Neighborhood has the resources to help you.
Adopting.org - Assistance, information, and support for all members of the adoption triad.
AdoptableKids.com - Internet photo listing of 1,000+ children awaiting adoption in U.S. foster homes and international orphanages.
AdoptionBoards.com - 600+ topical message boards related to adoption.
AdoptionCafe.com – Get answers to your adoption questions, share your adoption experiences, and talk with adoption friends in this new interactive adoption community.
AdoptionDirectory.com - The Internet's largest directory of exclusively adoption professionals. Find an adoption agency, adoption attorney, or search 30+ other categories.
AdoptionGroups.com - Create or join online adoption support groups with message boards, photo albums, calendars, and more.
AdoptionShop.com - The superstore for adoption books, magazines, music, videos, and more.
AdoptiveParents.com - The Internet's portal for adoptive parents before and after adoption.
Birthmother.com - The Internet's #1 online support group and interactive resource center for women facing unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption.
Chat.Adoption.com - The Internet's most popular site dedicated to adoption chat.
InternationalAdoption.org – If you are looking to adopt internationally or already have, you can find thousands of country-by-country resources, support, and information at InternationalAdoption.org.
ParentProfiles.com - The Internet's most popular & successful registry of hopeful adoptive parents.
Reunite.com - The Internet's portal for adoption search & reunion.
AdoptableKids.com - Internet photo listing of 1,000+ children awaiting adoption in U.S. foster homes and international orphanages.
AdoptionBenefits.com – Explore adoption benefits and find out what benefits your employer provides.
AdoptionBreastfeeding.com – Information for moms considering breastfeeding their adopted child.
AdoptionBabyShowers.com – Creative ideas for planning an adoption baby shower.
AdoptionCosts.com - What does it cost to adopt?
AdoptionFinancing.com – Assistance in financing your adoption dreams.
AdoptionTaxCredit.com – Information and support on the adoption tax credit.
ParentProfiles.com – Support for the adoptive family after adoption.
AdoptiveParenting.com - Parenting resources for adoptive parents.
MilitaryAdoption.com – Support and information for military families before and after adoption.
RelativeAdoption.com – Adopt a family member.
SpecialNeedsAdoption.com – Information and support for adoptive parents of special needs children.
StepparentAdoption.com – Assistance in adopting your stepchild.
TransracialAdoption.com – Information and support for ethnically and culturally blended families.
Birthmother.com - The Internet's #1 online support group and interactive resource center for women facing unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption.
AdoptionForums.com - Discussion forums hosted by adoption experts in several topics for specific questions.
AdoptionLaws.org – Adoption laws, statutes and summaries
I actually thought about this topic while watching this movie. I must admit that I don't know any gay or lesbians that are raising children with their partners. All the lesbians that I know mainly let their parents raise the children. I know one in particular that is a very good mom, but told me that her daughter did not appove of her relationships. She said that she would not force her children to live in the lifestyle that she had chosen. I think that the main ingredient that any oarent needs is love and I think that gay or lesbians do can and do love children whether they are their biological children or not. I think they should have a chance to become a parent. It is one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. Just because they are the same sex does not mean that they automatically have to eliminate children from their lists of possibilities. Regarding the movie, I think that Jeff would have been a wonderful father. Why should he be denied one of the best parts of life? I don't think that he should be denied the right to have,love, and raise children.
In the south people hold on to their conservative ways of thinking. Therefore, I agree with your premise that southerners are not too readily open to the free spirited way of living as northerners do. I have a young lady near and dear to me whose now adult daughter turned out beautiful and straight as an arrow. I can never remember a day growing up with this person ever seeing her influencing her daughter to lead a lifestyle that reflected her mother's gender preference. The mother clung to the theory that teaching how to make positive decisions was far more meaningful than instilling an alternative lifestyle in her child. I like the provocative nature of your subject area and I certainlly feel that you are doing a wonderful job of advocating for a more iunlusive adoption base. Keep scratching and clawing, because you are expanding the topic more than you know.
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