Saturday, October 11, 2008


On Friday October 10, 2008 in the Mobile Press Register, under the national briefs section I found an interesting tidbit. The headline read Little Rock, Arkansas Same Sex foster care ban dropped. How exciting huh?, so I read further! Arkansas is dropping a plan to prohibit unmarried or same sex couples from taking on foster children. The state Department of Human Services said Thursday it will stop a plan to formalize a policy in place since 2005. The agency says it will instead propose allowing workers to place foster children on a case by case basis. The action comes ahead of a November initiative that would let voters decide whether to prohibit unmarried couples from adopting or fostering children. Arkansas does not recognize gay marriage. I feel this is a positive step in the right direction especially for a southern state and the urgent need for good foster parents. I do not think voters should be able to decide where our children are placed. Until you work in the system, you can not make choices for the system. Of course the average voter would vote against gays adopting or fostering. Do they know what the best interest of the child is, I do not think so!!!!! I am rather proud of the Arkansas legislature for allowing the Department to go ahead and letting gays and lesbians, as well as unmarried couples foster children.

That is all for this week, the main reason is my head hurts because I have been staring at a computer all week for 8 hours a day, not to mention I am in Montgomery in a hotel!! Please review the video I really enjoyed it, it says alot!!!

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