So, I asked a resource worker about her feelings of gay and lesbian parents. We were in the elevator and I said, so I have a random question" What is your take on gay and lesbian foster parents?" She told me that the state of Alabama did not recognize gay and lesbian marriages, but she suggested that a gay or lesbian person could specify themselves as held of household. This would mean that they would have to separate themselves as a couple and be a single parent household. Would this demean their relationship? I would think so, because they could not recognize who was who. One parent would have to take the lead role and the other would be insignificant according to the state or foster parent organization. I also talked with another social worker; she thought that if a gay couple inquired about being foster parents that the state would pull out a morality clause regarding foster parents. This really disturbs me because anybody could define morality as their interpretation. How does one define MORALITY? Working for DHR and having a social service background, we are not suppose to judge, but the question is do we, and would we in this situation. Especially, since everyone who works in the resource department is older, and worked for the state for about 25-30 years each. So they are set in their ways and beliefs. Hopefully the new face of DHR can change the old ways. We will see and hopefully I will be a part of this change. I would hope since there is such a shortage of foster parents that we can get the word out and encourage gays and lesbians to start fostering. This would be a huge step, but a needed one.